Orchestration in the “Symphonie Fantastique”


You may purchase this resource at a reduced price as part of the Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique Introductory Learning Bundle

Orchestration in the Symphonie Fantastique consists of 3 items:

  • Information Sheet (4 pages)
  • Activity Sheet (2 pages)
  • Answers, Notes and Observations (6 pages)


While setting some useful historical context, the Information Sheet focuses on Berlioz’s ground-breaking approach to orchestration. The Information Sheet could simply be given to students to read but, with this in mind, the Activity Sheet, essentially 20 comprehension questions   (with a few bells on) based on the Information Sheet, will serve as a useful homework/revision tool. Designed to ensure that students fully engage with the Information Sheet it highlights key points, requires a bit of extra research and encourages evaluation of the symphony in relation to the information given.


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