FREE RESOURCES: Berlioz “Symphonie Fantastique” Focus on the 4th Movement



This teaching pack consists of  the following items:

  • A 1-hour lesson plan (inc. aims and objectives)
  • A folder containing the templates for lesson activities
  • A handout with activities that can be given as homework
  • Answers, notes and observations to accompany the homework handout


If you are going to spend a bit of time looking at one movement in detail in the Symphonie Fantastique, it has to be the fourth movement. While not too long, it is both musically and programmatically speaking one of the most exciting movements in the work. There is also a lot to talk about in terms of Berlioz’s innovations:

  • Ground-breaking orchestration
  • A novel approach to form
  • Striking use of the idée fixe


All three points are covered in this lesson.

If you are a student, I guarantee that if you work through the activities in the handout you will develop a sound grasp of the 4th movement. You can then use the answers, supplementary notes and observations to cement your understanding.


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