Berlioz’s Innovations


You may purchase this resource at a reduced price as part of the “Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique Introductory Learning Bundle“.

Berlioz’s Innovations consists of 2 items:

  • Activity Booklet (6 pages)
  • Answers, Notes and Observations (8 pages)




This activity concentrates on two of the ground-breaking aspects of the Symphonie Fantastique: the programme and the use of the idée fixe.

In terms of the programme, the information given and related activities start by exploring some historical context against which we can consider Berlioz’s approach. The materials look at both the influences upon Berlioz as well as how he himself conceived of the symphony as a genre.  The Activity Booklet then goes on to explore how the programme influences the music. With regard to the use of the idée fixe, the second part of the Activity Booklet focuses upon an understanding of both cyclic form and thematic transformation as they relate to the Symphonie Fantastique.


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