Mussorgsky: A Closer Look at the Opening “Promenade”


You may purchase this resource at a reduced price as part of the Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition” Introductory Learning Bundle.

A Closer Look at the Opening “Promenade” consists of 2 items:

  • Student Booklet (6 pages)
  • Answers, Notes and Observations (10 pages)


This resource consists of a series of questions and activities that will encourage your students to explore how the different elements of music express the programmatic idea behind the opening “Promenade”.  En route they will explore concepts such as antecedent and consequent phrasing, tonicisation vs. modulation and learn what “harmonic articulation” is. The “Promenade” music plays an important role in the work returning at various point. Please note that this resource follows on very nicely from Mussorgsky “Pictures at an Exhibition” Aural Exercise: Opening “Promenade”  and also lays some useful  groundwork for “The Promenade Music” in the Follow-On Learning Bundle which explores why Mussorgsky brings back the “Promenade” music at different points during “Pictures at an Exhibition” as well as the programmatic idea behind the ways in which he transformations and develops this music.


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